Unitop Utility Cans
Manufacturer of Unitop steel cans for a variety of applications, including industrial & chemical products, sizes include 4 oz., 8 oz., 16 oz. & 32 oz. The 4 oz. have the standard 1 3/4" International thread with an option of either the standard opening of 1.375 in. or a smaller opening of 1 in. Unitop cans are available plain, decorated or lithographed. The Unitop cans are also referred to as Monotop, Dauber cap cans, brush in cans, screw top cans, RFT's & utility cans.
Unitop One Piece Screw Neck End
Welded Side Seam
Ability to Lithograph Body of Can
All Unitop Utility Cans use One Size Screw Cap 1 ¾” International Thread *
Screw Caps
Available in plastisol and LDPE liners.
All Unitop Utility Cans use One Size Screw Cap 1 ¾” International Thread
Dauber Caps are available for Unitop Cans
A variety of sizes, lengths and applicators are available
Rings and Plugs
High quality inner rings and plugs.
Please contact our Office for additional information